Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Proactive Acne Solution

Proactive acne solution may be one solution to your skin. Many people believe that there is no effective cure for acne and that best answer is to do nothing and wait for acne to disappear by itself. This is one solution, but it is certainly not the best solution and looking for a proactive solution acne Should be your first line of attack.

Info And Factors Of Acne

Proactive Acne Solution-Info

Acne is the term for plugged pores, pimples, and even deeper lumps that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even upper arms. No one factor causes acne. As a doctorate to understand it proactive acne solution review acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty, when the gland is stimulated by male hormones produced in the adrenal glands of both boys and girls.

Proactive Acne Solution-Factors

Humid weather causes skin cells to swell and thereby increase the likelihood of sealed channels. This is why facial-steaming treatment is useless or even harmful.

You should avoid picking or pressing, which may force more sebum to the skin and inflammation increased. Fingers can also be intro-duce infection.

Flying fresh and a little sun exposure can help acne some, but too much sun causes skin inflammation, the demonizing it. The sun should be completely avoided for a treatment doctors, pharmacists or directives with medicine will warn you about this.

Oily skin is exposed to applications for typically worsen your skin again.

Proactive Acne Solution-Treatment

The Healing Approach

In proactive acne treatment, the first step is healing the blemished skin, followed by measures for preventing the recurrence of the condition. Working out various ways that can help cleanse the blemished skin is the initial stage of proactive acne treatment.

Using A Skin Toner

Using a good skin toner is an integral part of proactive acne treatment. Skin toner is a product used after the cleanser to clean the skin of the very last traces of dirt as well as to bring the skin's pH to its natural level. While using a skin toner, take care that it should be free of alcohol and should be water based. It removes the dead skin cells, opening up the clogged pores in the skin. In addition, the toner removes the excess of oil accumulated in the pores and being used by bacteria that cause infection. Regular use of a good toner keeps the skin acne-free, the skin pores open, and the oil level of the skin at its optimum.

For proactive acne solution, If you have acne sensitive skin, you should be more careful to select only mild acne skin products. Sensitive skin is highly prone to irritation. Artificial or synthetic harsh chemicals that can bring damage to the skin should be avoided. Natural remedies such as oatmeal mask and aloe vera mask is good for sensitive skin as it soothes inflamed skin, treats acne effectively and is mild on sensitive skin.

Always apply sunscreen before stepping out of the door. Over exposure to sun's ray can worsen acne problem. Apart from that, sun's ray may accelerate aging process, causing formation of wrinkles, freckles and pigmentation.

Finally, proactive acne treatment requires the application of a good repairing lotion to regain all the lost health of the skin. While the skin appears free of acne at this stage, scars of blackhead and whitehead may remain lurking beneath the skin surface. Regular use of an oil-free repairing lotion ensures that the skin is completely healed and protected from effects of blackheads and whiteheads.


Use a skin product that suits your skin.
Get confirmation from the doctors about the products you want to use.